Corey Shae Wilson, a 28-year-old resident of Acaryville, has been arrested on a number of counts, including resisting an officer and offenses involving drugs.
While on patrol along State Road 90 and Wilcox Road in Caryville on the evening of July 15, a Washington County Sheriff’s Office officer noticed a cyclist who was riding without the necessary lighting. The deputy got in touch with the person, who is known as Corey Shae Wilson Wilson appeared uneasy and became combative during the exchange, which prompted the deputies to look into the matter further.
A K-9 team from the Bonifay Police Department was dispatched to the location to aid in the investigation. The K-9 squad provided a positive drug detection alert. A follow-up search turned up contraband, including a crystal substance that tested positive for methamphetamine in the field.
After that, Wilson was taken into custody and sent to the Washington County Jail. He is charged with multiple offenses, such as introducing contraband into a detention facility, possessing methamphetamine, possessing drug paraphernalia, and resisting an officer without using force.